Bulletin of Geography
Socio-economic Series
ISSN 1732 - 4254 quarterly

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Demographic potential of the countries that have applied for the European Union membership.

  • Elżbieta Sojka - University of Economics in Katowice, Department of Statistical-Mathematical Methods in Economics, Bogucicka 14, 40-226 Katowice, Poland

  • Keywords
    European Union, demographic potential, population growth, population structure

    The purpose of the article is to analyse the demographic potential of the countries that have applied for the European Union membership against the background of the EU member states. The study involves eight candidate states: Croatia, Iceland, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Turkey, i.e. the countries that have been approved by the European Commission as official candidates for the EU membership, as well as Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, i.e. the potential candidates. Albania and Serbia applied officially for the EU membership in 2009. Favourable population age structure and relatively high fertility rate that occur in these countries determine a significant demographic potential they can bring to the EU after their accession. Decrease in infant mortality rate and extension of life expectancy illustrate positive changes that have been taking place in these countries for the last several years.


    Any comments please send to: Stefania Środa-Murawska.

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